Now that's a picture I like to see! Now if Puke oh sorry I mean Duke could lose I would be so happy:) oh btw I'm not doing the sale it just seemed so confusing but we do need to get together soon!
I'm Kristin. Christ-Follower. Wife. Mommy. Friend. Beautiful disaster. I love coffee, a good book, laughter, and authenticity. I hope you'll find me seeking sacred in the ordinary, justice for the oppressed, and life to the full.
Now that's a picture I like to see! Now if Puke oh sorry I mean Duke could lose I would be so happy:) oh btw I'm not doing the sale it just seemed so confusing but we do need to get together soon!
What that girl lacks in looks, she sure makes up for in jumping ability.
she sure does:)
I'm actually a Duke fan, but oh well! :)
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