The youth group is participating in a 30 Hour Famine this weekend, proceeds benefiting World Vision. They will be "starving to provide food" for others in need.
The students have raised money through donors and sponsors that will go towards projects in areas like Malawi, Swaziland, North Korea, and the States. They will be fasting to feel the pangs of hunger, felt around the world. There are 26,000 who die from hunger every day.
Included in the weekend will be basketball, volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, a late evening message and worship, building cardboard homes to sleep outside in, morning devos, community and church work projects, a scavenger hunt, and a spaghetti dinner to break the fast.
Paul and I would like to thank Heather O. for all of the work she has done to help organize this. We love you, girl. Thanks for having a heart for God, the girls in your small group, and the world at large. Thanks for also being flexible when everything started falling through.
If you would like to donate to the famine, please let me know. If you want to host your own famine, find out more information here.
Please pray that these 30 hours will draw students closer to God, each other, and somehow to that 13 year old in the North. Thanks, guys.
Our incredible students raised $900 for the fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow! Are they amazing or what? And they had a blast while doing it. I'll post some of the pics this week.
Don't ever count teenagers out.
Let me just tell you how amazing it is that they are doing this. You two are doing such an amazing job with the kids and the Youth Group. I am SOOO jealous that I'm not a kid at that church anymore. I know that Heather is heading most of it up, but you are giving her a way to serve. You are building her up and letting her do this. You are allowing feet on the Gospel. I am so proud to call you my youth leaders. Even though I'm not a youth and not at home, you still are. I'm proud to be a Youth Group Junkie. LOVE YOU!
Os-cee-wow-wow is all I can say, and I don't think I could even say that @ the end! LOL
abby, thank you. you are too sweet. love you tons. thanks for the influence you have on the girls, whether you are in the area or not. can't wait to see you more this summer. up for another zoo trip?
rob, thank you for doing the fast and for committing to the weekend. sorry to say that i've never seen anyone look that bad after a fast. glad you're still with us:)
Yeah, was NOT so hot. I'd never added that much sports during a fast, been denied as much sleep, done some physical labor, and then towards the end basically lost ability to drink much, even when it felt like I was forcing it, only downed like 1/4 of a 20oz bottle over the last 3 hours or so. Was NOT so well planned. should've had some gatorade & probably slim fast or something, especially if exerting that much. I'm too OLD for some forms of nonsense & I don't like to admit it! LOL. I take that as a compliment (never looked so bad)!
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