
34 Going on 13

Upon asking my Dad for a hairdryer today and upon him supplying it, he then wondered if I knew how to plug the thing in. He asked me if I could plug in a hairdryer.

That worries me.

In an earlier instance, I was awakened at 7:45 because breakfast was at 8:00 because lunch was promptly scheduled for 12:00.

During our 8:00 am breakfast, I requested permission to run and shower immediately following. I was denied permission, but was given a revised schedule to meet my needs for running off one too many clamcakes and for not reeking.

My brother and I have contemplated sneaking out one of these nights for the first time ever. I'm 34. He's 29.

But then again, we would never do it. We adore our parents and they would freak. Maybe we shall request permission to sneak out first.

All ridiculousness aside, it's good to be home and spend time with them. They've set the bar for hard work and diligence in this fam. And I'm a disciplined woman today because of them.

And I can plug a hairdryer in to boot. Yeah.


Leah said...

That is so funny, yet so true. I think we can all relate to that in some way. :)

Anonymous said...

its ok. dad asked me if i knew how to cook marshmellows the other night. i have been camping since i was 2 months old. i just looked at him. haha. and your right...thats why we love 'em.


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