
Confirmed for the 24th!

UNICEF estimates that there are nearly 2 million children in the commercial sex trade worldwide.

2 million kids just like my own. Just like our youth group students.

I can't handle that. At all. But ignoring the reality doesn't help either.

On Monday, August 24th at 11:30, I'll be meeting with Congressman Altmire to urge him to cosign the Child Protection Compact Act of 2009. As IJM states, "This bill supports poor countries’ efforts to stand up to criminals that traffic children by investing in effective law enforcement that puts traffickers and slave owners out of business and behind bars."

I'm SO excited to have gotten a meeting. And COMPLETELY freaked out.

Got some studying to do and prep work till then. Won't be online much.

If you're available on Monday and local, please consider coming along. Paul's Dad (and the pastor of our church) will be joining me. The more voices, the better.

If you can't make it this time, please pray. I would cherish your prayers much. I don't know what I'm doing. And this is out there for me. But 2 million times worth it.

Thanks and Much Love,


Rob Miller said...

From an RFK speech that's actually engraved at his grave site (not exactly a tombstone), in Arlington that's part of a ripples memorial thing:

"Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."

We need more ripple creators!

Courtney O. said...

ROCK ON. of course i'll be praying.

Abby said...

Just so you know, you gave me goosebumps. I'm going to mark it on my calendar and wear red rubberband on my wrist to remember to pray for you each time I see you.

YOU rock. God JAMS!

Now go ROCK that guy's office!

Unknown said...

Wow Kristin that's amazing! I hope your meeting goes well and I will be sure to keep you in my prayers!

Kristin said...

thanks for praying guys. i really cherish your prayers more than anything.

please also pray for the other meetings going on around the nation - just like this - international justice mission has secured a ton of them.

rob, i really love that quote. thanks for posting it.

Nate and Emily said...

AWESOME! I wish i could come with you, but i will be in inservice. nathanael and i will definitely be praying for you!

Laurie said...

I will be thinking abou you all day!! I too have to be at inservice. YOU JAM KRISTIN!!!!

Kristin said...

God does jam! I'm just along for the ride:)


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