
DC Missions

Here are a hodgepodge of pics from our students' mission trip to DC.
If you prayed, thanks. It was an incredible opportunity.

The students served children with special needs all week.
Here's a pic of Rob, one of our leaders.
The girls during youth group devotions - another favorite part of the trip.

We were pretty proud of these cats.
They worked hard with the best attitudes.

We ended the week at DCLA.
The theme of the leadership conference was Be. Love. Serve. Repeat.

Another one of our leaders - Abby.
We're so thankful for all the work she and Rob put in.

Cooking up dinner at the Week of Hope.

A treat out to ESPN zone.
We all split meals and/or ate Paul's much talked about chocalate chip cookie dessert.

Here's Joel, on the left, who can't keep from talking about the week.
And we kinda hope he doesn't ever stop.

Some of the girls - Lillian, Sarah, and Megan.
I think they're waiting for the guys for once.

The Washington Monument at Midnight.

Francis Chan was one of the speakers at DCLA - fantastic.
If you haven't read Crazy Love, please get a copy.

All in all, fantastic trip.
Lots of God moments, fun, work, and time together.
Now for 2010 Peru.

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