
VBS '09

As soon as we returned from RI, we dove into VBS - a summer highlight!
Selah LOVED it this year - God talks, friends, art projects, penguins, and ALL!
Adden really just loved hanging out with G'andma and G'andpap:)

I taught 6th graders this year - a blast!
Great questions, long discussions, and plenty of ridiculous.

So proud so proud so proud of our youth group students.
They make our VBS program and DAYCAMP work (them and God.)
They got game. Energy. Mad leadership skills. Crazy bout kids. Love for Jesus. Yes.

These two girls rock. Our kids love them. We kinda do too.
Thanks, Laurie, for all of your hours of work. It was a fantastic week!


Anonymous said...

deep and wide football style!!!

dawn said...

I love VBS!!! I am a Children's Ministries Director--and VBS is always a highlight. And I love the age group you taught...they are capable of learning SO much and aren't quite distracted by the whole social thing yet.

so glad you had fun and that you invested in kid's lives. Way to go!

Laurie said...

Praise the Lord that everything went well!!!! I am so glad that everything ran smoothly and the kids had a great time!!!!!

Kristin said...

dawn, thanks for what you do on a regular basis! thanks for loving God and kids! what an impact you're making!

laurie, thanks again for all you did! i know it's a huge commitment on your part. it was great!

anonymous - the worship had its best year ever. kids were engaged and laughing and singing and loving it! whoohoo!


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