
Paul Wants a Snuggie and I Have Frito Residue in the Keyboard

Some of you are feeling bad for me due to the last post.

Please don't. That wasn't the intent. I just want to make changes.

Most of my posts are random. Like Paul in a Snuggie (poor hubs has bronchitis) And like the Frito Residue (at 9:48 every evening I crave salty awful food, when I do so well all day eating like a rabbit.)

I love random. But I'm holding out for random with a purpose, in community. Writing about what I sort of know and love (God, dreams, family.) Like more practical, takeaway stuff. Where other voices are heard, just as much as mine. A listening more than talking deal.

And balance? I struggle with this. (Case in point = my house = current disaster + I just ate a million Frito's)

You have to admit... My blog does end up teetering on the sad, weepy, introspective side:)

If I am to imitate my Jesus, that's an unfair assessment of Him.

Life has its tears, yes. But life with Christ has hope, above all. And laughter. That's the stuff I don't want to forget. Cause there's beauty in the whole of it.

Hope that makes sense. Thanks for listening, friends.
Much love, tears, hope, joy, peace, and the whole shebang,


Courtney O. said...

That a girl :) Embracing and celebrating joy just in time for advent. Seems we're feeling the same vibe. Let's celebrate joy together... far apart, but together.

I didn't know you took flying leaps into bed, but it doesn't surprise me.

Ashley said...

<3 you and your blog. But don't worry, I don't feel bad for you. :)

angie said...

if your flying leaps into bed are anything like your flying leaps into the sack chair at the castle... it sounds like a ton of fun. :-) (buy paul a snuggie please. a pink one.)

Anonymous said...

i hear boscovs has some snuggies. they also have them in zebra and cheeta prints... i can totally imagine him wearing those. i'd like to see these flying leaps.

Kristin said...

court- you're always one for joy. i love that about you. when i think about someone living life to the full, i often think of you, my friend:)

ashley - it's been too long. i say we do lunch sometime - mexican near gc? kiddos included? selah would love to see adelle and i would love to hear about life!

angie - will you fly with me @ the castle this year? so excited you'll be there!

me - think paul would look sweet in cheeta? methinks it goes with the hair.

love ya'll.


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