
Give Me Words to Speak...

“Give me words to speak
Don’t let my spirit sleep
‘Cause I can’t think of anything worth saying
But I know that I owe you my life...” – Aaron Schust

So, here goes… I am finally going to start one of these blog things. I never understood why people wrote their thoughts for others to read via this avenue. Being a more private person, I would rather just hide my ramblings in a journal. However, I am delving into this new endeavor for the following reasons:

1. I haven't journaled in years and I so want a record of this time in my life. I want to be held accountable to something so that I don't forget God’s wonders in these days. My children are so young and precious and my husband is amazing. There is beauty in our ordinary lives that I don’t want erased by my feeble memory.
2. I have been reading some blogs lately that have challenged, educated, and encouraged me – a family dealing with the death of their young son to cancer (gomitchgo.com), a woman in Haiti serving in medical missions (sleepydoctor.blogspot.com), and a good friend of mine who is passionate about our God of rescue (orrangetypepad.com). I am just a random passerby to these blogs, but they have increased my awareness of joy and pain, poverty, and social justice. If I can provide a bit of the hope and perspective that they have given me for another passerby, then this will have been worth it.
3. I am horrendous at keeping in touch with people that I love. Please forgive me, one and all. Hopefully this avenue will help inform our friends and family of all that is going on with us. Imagine with me that we are sitting at Starbucks, enjoying a nice warm brew, and sharing our musings on life. Thanks for listening to my ramblings. Now just make sure you share with me yours.
4. I need to write. Writing is a great outlet for me. And I need an outlet after spending the day communicating to two kids under two! If I really want to undertake the writing of a book, then I sure better start somewhere. This may as well be the starting line. So, here goes…

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