
Worlds Meet Up Again

She’s 23. She loves Jesus. She’s got a single ticket for the DMZ. And she’s going to change the world.

Four a.m. wakes her up. With a coffee and these words of life, in the land of the morning calm. Every day, it’s four a.m., with the God who has changed the world.

She’s a teacher. Chalk on her hands. Ill-fitting heels and a denim skirt. Piles of papers to grade. Children to inspire. With Dante and division and documentaries. Most everyday seems mundane. But the ordinary finds Divine. And Divine finds the ordinary.

She’s 26. She’s 31. She’s 34.

Some things look the same. She loves Jesus, her beautiful Jesus. She hopes she always will.

Some things look different. More than the lines when she smiles, she’s not alone anymore. She’s woken up to the best of dreams, with those who call her Kristin and mom. She is making a home in a different world, on this side of the East.

There haven’t been chalk smudges on her skirts of late, but still everyday finds its mundane. Laundry and diapers and dinner. Mr. Rogers, scraped knees with tears, and cleaning a house that never gets clean. Ordinary is loud, the Divine is a whisper. She forgets that she’s going to change the world.

In walks 19. 34 listens.

To a heart that loves Jesus. In one hand she holds a ticket for Africa; in the other those words of life. And she’s going to change the world. It’s in her giddy rambles and the excitement in her eyes. She’s fearless and alive and in love. In love with the One who has redeemed our fall.

34 hears a lot of things over tea that night. She hears hopes and dreams, questions and quirks. She hears the 23 she used to be, and she wants to find her again. Better yet, she wants to find that all out abandonment in God again, that fearless and unscripted devotion.

Word of God speak.

When the ordinary defines every day, find me in the Divine. Find me fearless and alive and in love, running towards the One who has rocked this world with His love. Don’t ever let me forget that I can do anything through Christ who gives me strength. Anything.

I love you 19. Ashley, maybe this will explain the tears in my eyes.

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity. – 1 Timothy 4:12


Rob Miller said...

It's just amazing the wonderful people we have in youth group!!!!

Ashley said...

I love this post. Words of God speak...truly.

Mandy Stanley said...

this post is amazing! something i have been thinking about so much lately! How is it that we become so jaded? is that what it is?!? I want that excitement back of 22!

Andrea said...

I remember the blue jean skirt you used to wear at 23.


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